Businesses have a lot of work to do to get ready for the new year, and one of those tasks is budgeting. When looking at costs from 2021, if you’ve found that you’re spending too much money on everyday office products, it’s not time to cut back: it’s time to switch suppliers!
Part of watching your bottom line is reviewing the consumable office products you use and the prices you pay for them. We are in the business to provide exceptional service, products, and overall value. To that end, we have created a special list of commonly used office products that we offer at value pricing.
So, why choose us for your office needs? We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service! We literally go the extra mile. For example, we don’t just leave your office product order in the lobby. If you would like the bubbly water in the breakroom and the reams of paper by the printer, we will do that for you, saving you time and some heavy lifting.
We also answer our phone! Back in the day that may have gone without question, but voicemail and automated attendants are commonplace in businesses today. We prefer the personal touch. If you call us, you’ll get Felicia who can answer your questions quickly or direct you to someone else in our office who can help.
You need it, we deliver! We understand office products are not typically an emergency, but when you need something, you don’t want to wait. Our goal is to provide next-day delivery in the Twin Cities Metro. In some cases, we can even do same-day delivery.
Beyond our awesome receptionist, Felicia, our sales reps are here and ready to serve you. Their goal is to find the best products for your needs. Through in-person visits and their quick response time to calls or emails, our reps have saved our clients hundreds of dollars by suggesting similar products that cost less, or they’ve found efficient products to make processes easier within the office.
Our history as a local St. Paul business is long. Since 1962, we’ve provided top-notch products and service to other local business. Our Core Values products are commonly and frequently ordered products that are value priced to give our customers the lowest possible cost. Here are a few items in our current Core Values catalog. Would you like a catalog for your office? Let us know and we’ll send one to you.
- Great River Premium Inkjet, Laser Copy & Multipurpose Paper – White
- Sharpie Pen-style Permanent Marker – 12/package
- Business Source Round-ring View Binder
- Genuine Joe Multifold Towels 4000/carton
For the full list of items and pricing, login with your credentials and click on the CORE VALUES section. Or, for additional pricing based on your contract, contact your representative for assistance.
When you buy from Great River Office Products, you’re not just another number: you’re a valued partner and friend in business!