It seems to never fail, if you’re going to get the flu during the winter it happens over the holidays. Why is this such a common occurrence? It’s quite common for people to fall ill over a vacation. It’s so common in fact, psychologists sometimes...
Finding the right desk goes beyond just how it looks. Desks have a right fit as well to avoid injury to neck, back, wrists, shoulders and more. Ergonomics is a work heard often in discussion about how office furniture “fits”. It is defined as, furniture...
It’s that time of year for the sniffles, absences from work, and rumors of “the flu”. In fact, rumors of the flu are true. According to the C.D.C.’s Flu View index, the 2017-2018 flu season will rival that of 2014-2015 when the H3N2 strain of...
A climate controlled, beautifully appointed office doesn’t typically prompt concerns about safety. However, each year hundreds of workers across the country suffer some type of injury while at the office. The most common injuries are related to ergonomics....
Denial is not an option. Winter really is here and with it comes the dreaded OFFICE COLD. Cold and flu season, at the office, means you need to take extra care to avoid the germs. Following some of our simple suggestions below can help keep you healthy all winter...